I'd Wish I'd Get Feed Back --
This is one of the best trailers I've seen. The style and the art is well done to near perfection -- One thing to comment is that... All the art and the detail is so precise at moments -- The Shadow Scene had mainly black and little detail -- I mean its only like 3 seconds so I really shouldn't complain -- but you've put so much effort everywhere else -- It would've been nice if you added a tiny bit more detail in that scene -- Also the "Running through Forest" scene and the "Skateboard" scene were not outlined the rest of the movie -- (I might be missing more scenes) it woulda been a little nicer to have had them consistant --
Don't get me wrong -- I love the movie -- Cough* Trailer Cough* -- And I've added it to my favorites... It was an amazing peice of work... I'd love to see the rest --
Next thing I noticed is... the Music -- I just watched both of the movies on NG ... And I have to say one thing... Please change the music -- It bugged me to hear a Final Fantasy theme in this -- Especially since it was a battle theme -- not an "intro" theme... And It was basically a loop during the whole movie --
But One thing to note... The timing of the sound and the move was pretty damn good! -- One I noticed that was well done was the timing with the climatic rising of the battle theme while -- He was changing because of the sword... Hm... But Again with good timing was with bad interpretation -- This is only my opinion and this is your project so my words shouldn't mean shit -- But... One thing that bugged me -- was the unexpected FF battle theme when the movie JUST started... Also the music just flatly didn't fit in other parts...
Lastly about sound -- The sound effects were out balanced by the music -- or vice versa --
I'm sorry if I've been very... very critical --
It's the reason that -- God... This is amazing art work -- And That's all I coulda said -- Just... Damn... The Music bugged me... (only a 5)
Anyways Keep up the Good Work and...
I like Lar better than Khale =P